On the 8th of augustus J-Link visited D-FLAG (Japanese only), an incubator organisation for SME’s in the area.
To stimulate innovation, the Japanese national government started an incubator program to support small and medium sized enterprises and regional innovation. Through the whole country in total 32 incubator buildings were established, partially together with several universities. Last one was established around 9 years ago in Nagasaki (Nagasaki Dejima Incubator or D-Flag building (in cooperation with Nagasaki University, University of Nagasaki (prefecture), Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (Technology related), Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture and SME related company organizations). The Nagasaki D-Flag incubator building hosts around 20 companies.
Mr. Nomura of D-FLAG explained the background of D-FLAG and its current activities. In Europe similar projects have started with incubator initiatives. Leiden has a pioneer role with its SME support in the Biotech and Lifescience sector with the Leiden Bioscience Park. J-Link has set its goal to connect these organisations, support and strengthen their relationship.