From the 24th of November to the 3rd of December J-Link participated in the seminar “Latest Japanese Labor Practices with Reference to Foreign Direct Investment in Japan” organized by The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA) in Tokyo, Japan.
The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA) is an organization for human resources development in developing countries to promote technical cooperation through training, experts dispatch and other programs.
Through those programs, it aims at contributing to mutual economic growth of developing countries and Japan as well as enhancing friendly relations between those countries.
Seminar contents:
- Recent trends of Human Resource Management by Employers organization in Japan.
Mr. Toshio Suzuki, chairman JITA - Overview of Japanese Labour Economy.
Prof. Yoshio Okunishi, Hosei University - Current developments and future challenges of the trade unions in Japan.
Mr. Fujikazu Suzuki, JTUC (Rengo-Rials) - Human resource development of foreign capital company in Japan.
Ms. Mieko Ohki, Novartis Pharma K.K. - Human resource development of foreign capital company in Japan (case study).
Prof. Yutaka Nakashima, Chuo University - Human resource management at a multinational company in Japan.
Mr. Mihoko Kiyohara, NEC Learning Ltd. - Japanese labour practices and easing their relations from the view point of labour law.
Prof. Yoichi Shimada, Waseda University - Company visit Nissan Motor Co.Ltd. Opama Plant
If you would like some more information about above subjects, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact page.