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通訳をお願いした期間はあるInternational Floriculture Trade Fair に参加した1日限りでしたが、会場確認や必要な資料の手配、 玉城 麿(琉球大学 非常勤講師 日本) |
“オランダにおける農業関係のフィールド調査をお願いしました.ロ ンさんは、HPによればマーケティングなどのビジネス・コンサルティングに力点 があるようにみえますが、フィールドでの学術調査についてもコーディネートの 能力に優れ、専門分野(農業)の情報を十分に収集できました.また、調査にあ たってはわれわれ知識と質問を埋めながら、的確に質疑を仕上げていく手法にも 長けており、幅広い分野で柔軟で迅速な対応をしてくれる頼れるパートナーで す.” 飯國 芳明 (高知大学・教授 , 日本). |
“J-Link社のロナルド ヒルホースト(Ronald Hilhorst)氏は,日本語が堪能であるだけでなく,文化・社会・経済にも通じ ている.彼は,今回のオランダでの調査の目的や内容も正確に理解し,効果的な調査研究を可能にしてくれた.彼の専門的な仕事上の貢献と共に, 様々な心配りにも感謝したい.” 南石 晃明 (九州大学・教授 , 日本). |
“販売促進パートナーのサポートコンサルタントで当社にサービスを提供して貰いました。力の強く、精確なアドバイスをでした。ロナルドさんの日本語は明確だし、漢字も読めるし、書けるのは驚きでした。日本とオランダの良い仲立人だと思います。” Ms. Takako Osuda (HollandwebJapan, Japan). |
“Ronald helped us with our entry into the Japanese market. Working with Ronald has been a very positive experience. He has a combination of skills that make him unique for the work he did for us.
Next to being a pleasant person to work and travel with, he does not only master the Japanese language and culture, but he also has a good commercial sense and a talent to understand the complicated business we are active in. Thanks to Ronald we were able to successfully enter the Japanese market with the right partner, resulting in more business then expected in a shorter time.” |
“I have worked with Ronald Hilhorst for 5 years in his previous work with Asahi Intecc and have subsequently worked with him as a contracted clinical specialist from J-Link during my work with a previous company. There are very few genuine CTO clinical experts globally and I can genuinely say his knowledge and positive attitude have made a huge difference to the organisation.
In addition to this Ronald understands the clinical environment and the dynamic of a catheter lab. He understands how to support cases and how add value to the operator to maximise the chance of patient/procedural success. It is one thing knowing the right answer but Ronald possesses the skills, tact and commercial acumen to know the best way to make his point during a case, always with the patient’s best interest in mind. Commercially Ronald has impressed me with his understanding of the commercial process and how companies can maximise their investment. He has provided constant and important feedback about processes that have made a difference to our customers and our sales. I would be delighted to provide further references for Ronald.” |
“Ronald is like a human living database filled with up to date knowledge on Japan and Japanese (business) culture. He has been able to translate that into a vivid and illustrative cultural awareness course that answered to our needs. He is also trustworthy and a worthwhile sounding board for our specific situation.” Lucrée van den Heuvel (Ballast Nedam Industriebouw, The Netherlands). |
“EPS Vascular have had the pleasure of working with Ronald Hillhorst for the past 5 years. Firstly in his capacity as responsible for sales and marketing within Europe for Asahi Intecc. and later as a consultant with his own company. It has been very rewarding to work with Ronald since he has a very professional attitude towards any business opportunities or issues that may arise. His ability to look at issues from both our and his own perspective has enabled us to create the best solution for all involved. He has a keen interest in the business of the people for whom he works and the solution for the customer that works long term. I greatly recommend Ronald Hillhorst as a resource for any company.” Jörgen Petersson (EPS Vascular, Denmark). |